Monica Sa
Monica Sa


Head Coach

Monica Sa

Born and raised in Natal, Brazil, I came to the US as a 17-year-old exchange student with the hope of finding better opportunities. Ten years later I’ve learned to call the US my home. Along the way, I have been blessed with many special gifts and opportunities, one of them called PSKC.

Throughout my life, I’ve always been active. Playing all sorts of sports during school-aged years, and later joining every fitness class out there. Unfortunately, I experienced the same end result…boredom. There was no feeling of accomplishment, no goals to achieve, or mental obstacles to overcome. PSKC now provides that to me on a daily basis.

I’ve never been in better shape. I’m now equipped with the necessary tools to take part in events and do things that I never believed were possible. Most importantly, I now know I can overcome any challenge life decides to throw my way.

My ultimate goal in life is to reach out and help others. Being a teacher in a public school, I have an awesome opportunity to develop kids into successful professionals and respectful adults. As a coach at PSKC, I have the awesome opportunity to help others believe they too can accomplish anything they put their heart into.